Although it is said again and again: a glass of wine in the evening protects the heart, experts agree that regular consumption of alcohol cannot be generally recommended. [1] There are several reasons why people give up alcohol and choose a totally alcohol-free diet.
There is a rare alcohol (ethanol) – allergy, this is due to an enzyme deficiency, the intermediate product of ethanol degradation: “Acetaldehyde” may not sufficiently metabolized.
Symptoms such as shortness of breath, skin rash and itching are very nonspecific.
Often intolerance after consumption of alcohol is due to other ingredients (such as histamine and sulfites in wine, gluten in beer). [2] Life philosophy or religion can also be the reason for an alcohol-free diet.
An alcohol-free diet is very important for recovering alcoholics.
In Germany, only drinks with an alcoholic content of 1.2 % Volume or above need to be labeled as such. Wines, beers and juices with an alcoholic content up to 0.5 % Volume are identified as alcohol-free. [3] Thus, in non-alcoholic beer, (unfiltered) juices and kefir, alcohol contents up to 1 % Volume may be found.
Food can also contain traces of Ethanol due to the alcoholic fermentation. [4] Added alcohol in food needs to be listed in the ingredients list, and can be declared in different names. [5] In bulk unpacked foods such as at the bakery or the ice cream parlor the alcohol content is not subject to mandatory identification, in this case it is possibly best to check with the staff.
Even in restaurants, bars, canteens etc. alcohol as an ingredient is not subject to mandatory identification. [7] In these places alcohol may be present in different forms in various dishes/meals. That is where the DELICARDO Foodcard can be of great help. Without much explanation, the Foodcard can be given to the waiter and the chef receives thereby an accurate indication of what should not be contained in the dish, and as a little reminder as well in which foods alcohol is possibly "hidden“.
So the conversation at the restaurant table will not be drawn to a different issue and nothing stands in the way of a relaxed dining experience.